Oued Laou: Seaside Blue and White

Oued Laou


May 6, 2013 

Dear Friends,

The blue and white seaside town of Oued Laou … what a fitting conclusion to my three week trip to Morocco! 

East of Tetouan, I carefully follow the 45km winding that road hugs the mountainside that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea.  

How can I resist stopping once or twice to admire the hillside greenery that descends down the mountain to the very shore of the placid sea? 

In town, I stroll through the food market and the town square.  But the sea beckons. 

In Essaouria, I missed the photogenic fleet of blue fishing boats.   There is no shortage here.  Men are making repairs to the colorful wooden hulls and the fishing nets. 

The beachside restaurant serves soup and a plate of fresh fish (red porgy?) in the Northern Moroccan style: a mixture of garlic, parsley, thyme, paprika and lemon juice. 

I am pleased that I am here before the summer tourists arrive.   Hurry, my friends and visit quiet Oued Laou before the developers arrive! 


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