Special Occasion

A BIG Birthday



August 15, 2011

Dear Barbara,

I am following up on your “Big Birthday” theme for our Taft High School Newsletter.

 I am not one of the “young ones.”   My “BIG One” was last September, 2010.

I thought that our friends and classmates would like to see the birthday party photos since my celebration was here in Bangkok; the party had a decidedly international flavor.

We had dinner at the Tamnan Thai restaurant near my apartment in downtown Bangkok: traditional Thai dishes both spicy and not, cold beer both Thai and not.

The cast of characters included two Thai ladies, my good friend Noy, and another friend Nai and her daughter Samantha, Harry from Afghanistan, Gary from South

Super Bowl XLVI - 2012

February 1, 2012
My Dear Sports Fans,
I admit it.   I was about to pen some very snide remarks about Indianapolis!  Indianapolis??  The Super Bowl?? Somehow those two ideas seem so incongruous. (Admit it my friends, some of you are thinking the same thing, yes?)
Then I did some research.  To all my (3) friends and (2) relatives in the Midwest, I apologize for my initial  inclination towards irreverence and disrespect.  Indy really is a special place.



2010 Passover in Bangkok


15 Nisan 5770

Dear Family and Friends,

חג שמח

My best wishes to you and your family for a sweet and joyful Passover.

I will be attending two Seders here in Bangkok. The first night there will be a gathering at The Davis Hotel - 100-150 participants. The second night will be at the Shul - Beth Elisheva. Rabbi Kantor is an enthusiastic and brilliant religious leader. I am looking forward to both events where the Four Questions will be chanted in Hebrew, Yiddish (the Rabbi is a Chasid) and Thai (several members are married to Thai women).

2009 Barak Obama Inauguration

Bangkok, Thailand

20 January 2009

Dear Friends,

At the appropriate time I will be attending an inauguration party sponsored by an active group called "Democrats Abroad Thailand." The party will be at The Roadhouse Grille - American cooking....BBQ, hamburgers, etc.

I am cautiously optimistic that the next years will bring what we are hoping for. I even remembered to bring back an American flag that is now displayed in my apartment.

David Sprout and Nai run the Soi 1 Guesthouse, just up the street from my building. We have been friends for two years.

David is from South Georgia and Nai is from South Thailand. They have a young daughter named Samantha.

2008 Super Bowl XLII: Super Big Problem: "Who do I root for?"

Konrad F. Florida USA Bangkok Thailand

3 February 2008

Dear Konrad,

(cc: Sport-fans)

Thank you for your response to my Giants - Patriots problem-letter last fall.

Yes, I am a native New Yorker and your question, "...don't you have a soft spot for the good old Giants?" really touched my Bronx heart.

So now, on Super Bowl Sunday, I have another big problem. Who do I root for?
