The Wakhan Corridor
Langar Region
Wakhan Corridor
August 23, 2019
My guidebook printed a cautionary notice:
“Visiting the Wakhan Corridor should come with a strong warning: having trekked or driven down the Tajik side of the corridor, you will return home and start planning your trip to Afghanistan. It’s unavoidable. The Tajik side is majestic, but Afghanistan is so tantalizingly close that it drives you almost to distraction.” *
Will I ever visit Afghanistan? The prospect is “tantalizing.”
Nevertheless, the Tajik side of the Wakhan Corridor is truly “majestic.”
Ancient trade route. Marco Polo. Geographical compromise between the Russian Empire and the British Empire during The Great Game.
Meeting place of modern Pakistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and China.
Splendid. Majestic. Tantalizing.
*Tajikistan. Bradt Travel Guides Ltd, UK, pg148-9.
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