Travel Letters

Nuo Deng: The Salt Town and Confucius Temple

Nuo Deng

Yun Long County

Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture

Yunnan Province


June 8, 2014

Now here’s a quote to remember:

"Jan, I am impressed!"

So proclaims my guide Ilian as we reach the top of the mountain.

Ilian may be impressed.  But I am not sure whether to feel proud or to feel duped.  An hour ago, after breakfast, Illian casually suggests, "Let's take a stroll to see the Confucius Temple."   Was I impressed into this vigorous constitutional?

Pianma: The Flying Tigers


Yunnan Province


June 9, 2014 

At the height of the Japanese military power during World War II, their armed forces occupied large areas of China, blockaded the ports, and closed almost all of the roads.  “The Burma Road”  -the one open route that snaked through the mountains from India, through Burma to western China - was bombed by Japanese fighter planes.   Eventually, trucks ceased to transport goods to the Chinese Nationalist Army fighting the Japanese.

“The Hump” became the vital lifeline. 

Riga: Central Market



September 2, 2014

To:  Jeff Z. and Bob A.

cc: Family and Friends

Since you are both engineers with a specialty, respectively, in transportation and geotechnical engineering, I thought you would appreciate the structures of the Riga Central Market.  The market is the largest in Europe and lies across the Daugava River from the Old Town of Riga.

The market of course is dotted with outdoor stalls that display towering piles of fruit, vegetables, flowers, recently picked mushrooms, and consumer products.  Everything from bananas to berries to boxer shorts to bras is on offer.
