Chobe Drive. Lion vs Buffalo

Chobe National Park

Republic of Botswana

May 26, 2024


Up before dawn. Camera and phone charged. 

Buffet breakfast served. 

Caravan departs.

Game Drive begins.

A Sedge of Cranes.

A Harem of Antelope.

A Parade of Elephants.

A Journey of Giraffes.

Dominant male lion cruises by our 4x4.  Uninterested.  Decamps to the river.  Breakfast?

Hippos and Cranes.  Riverside pals.

Leo avoids Hippo.  

Hippo ignores Leo.

A lone Cape Buffalo grazes.  Breakfast for Leo?  Oblivion for Bob?

Leo on the prowl. The grass is short.  No cover!

Bob spots Leo. Shows no respect.

Bob Unperturbed. Trots off.  Far off.

Plan B for Leo?

Mister Jan, Jomtien Beach meets Miss Janet, Johannesburg.






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