David A. Dawn

Helga Dawn

Southampton, New York

Dear Helga,

Alice called me and told me of David's passing. I am so sorry for your loss.

I remember David as cheerful, robust, and determined - a man who enjoyed life every day..

Playfully inhaling a cigar, strawberry ice cream, Greenberg chocolate cake, standing on the balcony overlooking the New York City skyline, reluctantly speaking to a large gathering in a ballroom, imagining and planning your beautiful home on a vacant lot that overlooked swans on a stream, proudly riding that huge lawnmower, patiently waiting at the net to return a volley, and of course digging and planting and digging and planting as if he had just won a great victory.

I wish i could have thanked David for taking me into your family and treating me with warmth and respect.

What was most impressive was that David was a marvelous teacher, not in the everyday sense of teaching, but by his actions of careful planning, logical thinking, and integrity. I have tried to live by his advice and have passed along his thoughts to my friends.  David's influenced many beyond his knowing.

David's friends and family and his roses will mss him.  But I am sure all will continue to flourish as a tribute to him

My sincere condolences to you and Peter and Michael.



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