To Vietnam With Love



12 August 2008

Hello Everyone,


Yes, finally, I am pleased to announce that I am in print.

One of my travel letters was selected for inclusion in a new book called, "To Vietnam With Love, A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur" edited by Kim Fay.

"To Vietnam With Love" is part of a series of books from ThingsAsian Press. The first book in the series, "To Asia With Love" was so successful that the editors and the publisher decided to produce books on individual countries. 

"To Vietnam with Love" is available at and at local bookshops including Borders.

I do hope that you will consider owning the book. My fellow travelers and writers have contributed imaginative and personal stories about a fascinating country.

I gave my permission to the editor to use my letter so that my only reward will be the satisfaction that you have read and enjoyed the essays.

My original and unedited letter is on my website: Click on Travel Letters. 2003 Vietnam.

If you have time, please read all my Vietnam letters before you read the very last one called "Saigon, Love and The American War." That's the one included in the new book.

For those of you, my friends, who have encouraged me to publish my work, "Thank you." I am anticipating more good news soon.



PS For a sampling of the published Vietnam essays, please see For information about books or other things Asian, please see

Location field map: 
Latitude: 10.810705
Longitude: 106.647667

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