2009 Barak Obama Inauguration

Bangkok, Thailand

20 January 2009

Dear Friends,

At the appropriate time I will be attending an inauguration party sponsored by an active group called "Democrats Abroad Thailand." The party will be at The Roadhouse Grille - American cooking....BBQ, hamburgers, etc.

I am cautiously optimistic that the next years will bring what we are hoping for. I even remembered to bring back an American flag that is now displayed in my apartment.

David Sprout and Nai run the Soi 1 Guesthouse, just up the street from my building. We have been friends for two years.

David is from South Georgia and Nai is from South Thailand. They have a young daughter named Samantha.

2008 Super Bowl XLII: Super Big Problem: "Who do I root for?"

Konrad F. Florida USA Bangkok Thailand

3 February 2008

Dear Konrad,

(cc: Sport-fans)

Thank you for your response to my Giants - Patriots problem-letter last fall.

Yes, I am a native New Yorker and your question, "...don't you have a soft spot for the good old Giants?" really touched my Bronx heart.

So now, on Super Bowl Sunday, I have another big problem. Who do I root for?

New Year's Eve 2007: Tennyson

Bangkok, Thailand
31 December 2007
New Year’s Eve

Dear Family and Friends,

When I was a young boy my parents purchased a series of literary classics. There must have been one hundred hard bound books, from Defoe to Dickens to Flaubert to Stevenson to I don’t remember who else. My parents hoped that my sister Paula and I would read them all and then “go to the head of the class.”
